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亲近自然的英文(Getting Closer to Nature Embracing the Wild World)

亲近自然的英文(Getting Closer to Nature Embracing the Wild World)


Human beings have a strong desire to keep themselves separated from the wild world, and this desire has resulted in devastating consequences for the environment. Our pursuit of industrialization and urbanization has led to massive destruction of natural habitats and polluted the planet’s air, land, and water. However, we cannot deny the fact that we are an inseparable part of nature, and we cannot survive without the natural resources the world provides us. Therefore, it’s high time we realize the importance of getting closer to nature, embracing it, and conserving it for our own survival.

The Importance of Nature

Nature provides us with the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. It also has an essential role in our physical and mental well-being. In fact, numerous studies have shown that spending time in nature can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve our cognitive function. Besides, nature conservation is critical for maintaining ecological balance and preventing the extinction of the world’s flora and fauna. The better we understand and appreciate nature, the more likely we are to protect it.

亲近自然的英文(Getting Closer to Nature Embracing the Wild World)

The Connection between Humans and Nature

Humans have coexisted with nature for millions of years, and it’s only in modern times that we’ve seen ourselves as separate from it. However, we need to understand that the connection between humans and nature is both deep and multi-faceted. From a spiritual and cultural point of view, many indigenous societies see themselves as part of the natural world, and this worldview has helped them live in harmony with nature for centuries. Even in the modern world, people increasingly seek refuge from the pressures of daily life in natural landscapes.

Barriers Preventing Us from Getting Closer to Nature

Despite our innate connection to nature, we have built several barriers that prevent us from getting closer to it. One of the most significant barriers is the idea that nature is a separate and inaccessible place. This perception stems from the fact that we have focused on urbanization and have turned our backs on the countryside. Additionally, people often associate nature with discomfort and inconvenience, such as bugs, rough terrain, and bad weather. As a result, they avoid camping, hiking, or other outdoor activities. Moreover, we have developed a culture where we are disconnected from the practical aspects of nature, such as agriculture and forestry.

Breaking Down the Barriers and Embracing Nature

Breaking down the barriers and getting closer to nature begins with changing our mindset. We need to understand that nature is not just the “wilderness,\” but rather, it’s all around us. We should learn to appreciate the nature in our immediate surroundings, such as parks, trees, and wildlife. We can start by taking a walk in the park or observing birds in our backyard. Additionally, we need to acknowledge that nature can be complicated but rewarding, and we need to be open to new experiences. We should also learn practical skills such as gardening, composting, and responsible outdoor practices. This way, we can gain a deeper appreciation of and connection to nature, leading to better decision-making regarding nature conservation.

The Benefits of Embracing Nature

Embracing nature has numerous benefits for us, including improved health and well-being, reduced stress levels, and a more profound appreciation of life. Additionally, getting closer to nature provides us with the opportunity to learn about our impact on the environment and how we can conserve it. Moreover, it encourages us to engage in fun and meaningful activities, such as hiking, camping, and fishing, which can provide us with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

亲近自然的英文(Getting Closer to Nature Embracing the Wild World)


Getting closer to nature and embracing it is critical for our survival, and it doesn’t require us to live in the wilderness or give up our modern lives. We can start by changing our mindset towards nature, gaining practical skills, and engaging in outdoor activities. By doing so, we gain a deeper appreciation of and connection to nature, leading to better decision-making regarding nature conservation, and promoting a better quality of life for ourselves and future generations.


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